Saturday, 5 March 2016


Hello Folks,

This myself and one of my friend Sumanth recently held an event at Vizag on Connected Devices.
 Its a great thing to know that Mozilla is working on many projects based on Connected Devices. This time we want to do something new and we decided to conduct a session on Mozilla Connected Devices and explain what exactly are the participation pathways.

Finally the most awaited day is infront of us. we are exicted to see the interest shown by the participants and the strength of the participants in the auditorium. Quickly Sumanth started a session on FOSS.


After that Sumanth moved on showing the live examples of FOSS and explained about the different Participation Pathways of involving into Mozilla. The students were really excited about the different oppurtunities. 


After that we moved on discussing about the Connected Devices and various projects that have undertaken by Mozilla. I explained about what exactly is a connected device and introduced about the Open Hardware Rasberry Pi which serves as a main tool for students in making their projects. 


After that Sumanth discussed about the Privacy of the internet. He explained about the few problems and he tried to bring out the solutions to that problems. All students came to know about various issues on the internet and they reliased that privacy matters a lot. After that we had an interactive session with all the students where they came with different ideas about the projects that they gonna do on connected devices and about different queries.


After that  we concluded the session. We got nearly 280+ participants attended to the event. I am so excited to see many innovative ideas given by the students and glad to see the success of the event. 


The event is a huge success and the participants gained the knowledge about the Mozilla and also about the connected devices program and we  hope the college as well as he students will utilize this opportunity that helps them to grow individually as well as helps the community to grow.