Thursday, 28 July 2016

IoT HackHyderabad on 23&24 July 2016

Hello all,

This is a 32 hour IoT Hackathon held at progress software company at ilabs on July 23rd and 24th. The event started @ 10A.M. The event main focus is laid on the connected devices. At first Harsha Bandaru started the event with the introduction to Open Source followed by Mozilla. Later the session is handled by the Harsha Vardhan followed by the Skype session with the Dietrich where he shared about his insights and what the Mozilla is doing and how we can build the smart things with the connected devices.

After his talk the session is totally Handson where myself with other two Mozillians Sanjay and Deepak start exploring the Raspberry PI kit we had. I have a previews knowledge on setting up the OS in the PI and running the GUI mode so i quickly set up the OS and connected the PI to the internet. Later we went through a series of  videos in youtube to get familiarize ourselves with the GPIO pins and with the coding for PI in python. So we quickly built up the demos shown in the videos such as LED Blink and followed by the LCD Screen Display.

After working on these an idea ignited our brains how it will be if we get notifications from the PI as soon as some one tweeted in twitter for the Mozilla Hyderabad with the twitter handle #MozillaHyd so we started working on the twitter API twython and later once we got the messages in the command prompt we integrated it with the other demos we learned while working on PI and we successfully able to get the LED Blink as well as a buzzer when some one tweets with #MozillaHyd twitter handle. Here is the snapshot of the video we have taken while testing it.


Later we worked on the display of tweet on the  LCD screen as we are getting the tweet in the command prompt. We also helped out the other participants in fixing their problems. The whole community is actively involved in helping out the participants by fixing their problems and learning from them. Kalyan and Harsha Bandaru helped few of them and we helped others this way the whole community shared their knowledge with the participants.

 At the end we announced the winners and runners of the event. And the Winner is awarded with the Mozilla Flame Device this is followed by  speeches from the guests of the event and  photo session and of course i missed out the photo session but being a part of the event i enjoyed it to the core and learned the new things a lot and i also laid out few plans to turn my home a smart home. More Pictures will be updated soon :)

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Paticipation Insights & Design Thinking Workshop by George Roter

Hello all,

Recently George Roter visited Mozilla Hyderabad Community for sharing the Mozilla's Insights for the year 2016 and the contribution pathways and to strengthen the community. He has taken a session on these topics.  Mozillians  in the Hyderabad community are actively participated for the event and here George shared about the Mozilla Goals for the year 2016 and  Modifications to the current programs that are carrying out.

He shred about the contribution paths such as Connected Devices, Developing apps for Firefox OS powered smart TV and about developing for the  Rust Programming Language and also about the VR for the web using the A-Frames and it's really a great session where all the participants have gained a keen knowledge about what is happening in and around Mozilla and what are the things to be focused such that they will align to the current Mozilla trends. He also later enquired about the community level events that are happening and has taken the steps that need to be included and things that are removed so that the restructuring of the current process will be efficient.

Followed by the session we had a small snacks break fast for 15 minutes. After that we all have quick introduction about over selves and we all get familiarized about each other and with the George. Later George conducted an engaging workshop about the design thinking  in which he first asked us to list out the common problems that we face in our daily life and later we segregated based on the similarity and we worked out on each topic as a team by listing out the questions and finding out the cause for it. This eventually lead to a small and a similar cause and after that we find out the solution for those and linked them with how they ultimately lead to bringing in notice of Mozilla or that effects the productivity  or things relate to Mozilla. But this workshop is simply superb and we all loved the concept and learned about how we should design our ideas and then later to implement it.

At last the session ended with the group pics with different poses and with full of energy and excitement levels from the Mozillians and this helped us out  to  spread as well as to contribute to Mozilla with much clarity.Over all it's a great session and thanks to George for the awesome event.

                                  Contribute for the web and stay healthy and browse healthy.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Open Session on IOT, Web Development and Fresher Recruitment Program

Mozilla, one of the leading organizations in the world which builds technologies that benefit the entire Web . As a Motto to spread about power of Web it introduced Firefox Student ambassador program(FSA) to create a great impact on society as it is creating now. 
As a part of FSA program we people of SNIST on behalf of FIREFOX CLUB @SNIST Conducted  an Open Session on IoT, Web Development And Freshers Recruitment Program  for spreading  about Mozilla & IoT.
Session started with introduction of Sumanth Damarla on IoT. He , being tech speaker at Mozilla   explained about  different products of Mozilla and projects that Mozilla is working on currently. 
Later he showed an awesome video on IoT which gave clear idea and keen interest to people in the session. Video illustrated different things we can do with IoT like opening gates of house with mobile , vegetable tracker in fridge, automatic garage door opener on detection of toxic gas etc. Later people got to know about mozilla’s project  chirimen.
Later we moved to explaining about Mozilla Principals which is handled by  me. I explained about structure of Mozilla and different contributions to Mozilla . People got so interested about it . Later session carried on with telling them about stories of other  Mozillians Sanjay Gouri , Sumanth Damarla  and we ended the session with giving swags to  attended people. 
We thank  SreeNIdhi Institute for Science and Technology for providing us a platform to interact with students and Providing the opportunity and I specially thank Sumanth DamarlaSanjay Gouri for making their precious time in the session.

Friday, 22 April 2016

IoT powered by Firefox OS-Connected Devices.

Openness has always been the primary motto of Mozilla. With world’s largest volunteer community, Mozilla has released numerous projects viz. Firefox, Firefox OS, Thunderbird etc which are all open sourced.

With respect to the recent updates on the new project that Mozilla has initiated, to penetrate in to ‘Internet of Things’ space (Project ‘Connected Devices’), Collab House in association with Mozilla Hyderabad community has held an event focusing on Developer boards like Raspberry Pi and Arduino and also the advantages of using Firefox OS to run these programmable boards.

The event started off with the basics of ‘Internet of Things’ by Prasan Dutt, Training and Curriculum lead and mentor at Maker Club( Maker and IoT community incubated at Collab House). He explained about how the whole world could be connected and accessed via web. The concept of automating every day activities was well delivered to the audience.

The session was then continued by Ram Dayal with all the domains where ‘Internet of Things’ can be applied. Namely:
  • Health
  • Home
  • Travel
  • Defence
  • Smart cities
  • Natural Calamities
  • Farming   . etc

 Having done with the application of IoT, Ram Dayal then explained about the functioning of various programmable boards like Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Beagle bone etc. This track was very much concept oriented with the functionality of various programmable boards and the difference between each of these Programmable electronic boards. The maker moment has started and we are going to be part of it for the generations to come. The QA session for clearing the doubts of the audience was pretty interactive with every one in the hall having a basic idea on these boards. Simplicity being the ultimate sophistication, the crowd was much interested to know how simple the world could become with all the devices around them, connected over a platform.

 The introduction of Firefox OS has created more curiosity among the attendees. The audience were then presented with the mission and motto behind the launch of Firefox OS for mobile and how the focus to Connected Devices could make our world simpler than before. Using the HTML5 Technology, Firefox OS is the most simple and powerful OS to work on. Mozilla has standardised all the APIs developed for Firefox OS, creating an opportunity for developers aka makers to come up with path breaking ideas turning into revolutionising products. The advantages of using Firefox OS for developing ‘Connected Devices’ was well delivered to the crowd creating an interest among the audience.
The demonstrations of various makes by Prasan Dutt using Raspberry Pi and Arduino has made the session more interesting and engaging. The demonstrations included projects like:
  • Raspberry Pi enabled mobile phone.
  • Bluetooth enabled switch to trigger a signal( Using Arduino).
  • # tag detection using Twitter API
  • Calling Web APIs
  • An Arduino Mouse .etc
The hand-on was fun with energetic audience having amazing enthusiasm to learn more about ‘Connected Devices’. 

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Firefox OS and Connected Devices Hackathon

We organised an event in JNUTH on march 18-19 a two day workshop followed by Hackathon on IOT and Firefox OS apps for the Smart TVs. I gave a talk on Web Apps for the TV and about the Mozilla Contribution to the Service Workers working with other organisations. He is the link for my slide share.Open Webapps & intro to Firefox OS Powered smart TV.

The Even had nearly 100+ participants and they had showed their enthusiasm all over the workshop and tried in developing the web apps for the TV using the TV Simulator in the developer Edition. Of course we had some technical glitches but we solved them immediately from the quick response of the Mozilla Hyderabad community people and i thank Madhukar and Abhilash fro their efforts.

The 2nd day of the workshop is taken by the Prasanth where i helped out the participants in fixing their problems and helping them out in understanding iot and the aurdino board. The participants are some what new to the IOT but we actively helped them out.

Later we had a photo shoot with the gathering for the fest and among overselves and with other participants and it went smooth and we successfully completed the workshop of 2 days.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Session on Service Workers

That was one amazing weekend at Mozilla Hyderabad learning about Web Apps, Web API's, Service workers, Offline webapps, Firefox OS TV's, Spacial navigation and a lot more. It's a weekend for mutual learning from contributors each other and the participant involvement is crazy and showed their excitement and worked on the offline webapps.

Santosh explained about the service workers and accessed the service worker cookbook created by Mozilla  and had a demo while switching between offline and online mode.

And the participants are showed their keen interest in showing their demos they find across the internet and later we have a quick discussion about the progressive web apps.


This is a great introduction to Service Workers the future of the web and we thank the other Mozillians for helping out in providing the resources to explore further.This is an amazing session overall.

Saturday, 5 March 2016


Hello Folks,

This myself and one of my friend Sumanth recently held an event at Vizag on Connected Devices.
 Its a great thing to know that Mozilla is working on many projects based on Connected Devices. This time we want to do something new and we decided to conduct a session on Mozilla Connected Devices and explain what exactly are the participation pathways.

Finally the most awaited day is infront of us. we are exicted to see the interest shown by the participants and the strength of the participants in the auditorium. Quickly Sumanth started a session on FOSS.


After that Sumanth moved on showing the live examples of FOSS and explained about the different Participation Pathways of involving into Mozilla. The students were really excited about the different oppurtunities. 


After that we moved on discussing about the Connected Devices and various projects that have undertaken by Mozilla. I explained about what exactly is a connected device and introduced about the Open Hardware Rasberry Pi which serves as a main tool for students in making their projects. 


After that Sumanth discussed about the Privacy of the internet. He explained about the few problems and he tried to bring out the solutions to that problems. All students came to know about various issues on the internet and they reliased that privacy matters a lot. After that we had an interactive session with all the students where they came with different ideas about the projects that they gonna do on connected devices and about different queries.


After that  we concluded the session. We got nearly 280+ participants attended to the event. I am so excited to see many innovative ideas given by the students and glad to see the success of the event. 


The event is a huge success and the participants gained the knowledge about the Mozilla and also about the connected devices program and we  hope the college as well as he students will utilize this opportunity that helps them to grow individually as well as helps the community to grow.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Firefox OS Midnight Appathon@BITS Hyderbad

Hello guys…..
We are here with an amazing Mozilla event happened in the city aiming at developing Webapps for Firefox OS. We conducted Firefox OS Midnight Appathon at BITS Hyderbad which is one of the top most Engineering colleges in India.The event is a part of the atmos'15 fest.

Large number of participants from various colleges  assembled in the Seminar Hall eagerly waiting to know more about Mozilla and how to  develop Apps for Firefox marketplace.Organizers have actively participated in taking the event forward. Around 120 enthusiastic participants who were very really interested in developing applications attended the event. The Event started with the Introduction to Mozilla and Various Mozilla Products and about the open web by the Akshay.

 Later followed by the Introduction to Firefox OS and the Marketplace by Sumanth where he showed the a demo app with the execution . Later followed by a small discussion to develop new app and the discussion went great with the involvement of people and the discussions went friendly and in a learning way.

 Later Vineel shared his volunteered experience with Mozilla and clarified the doubts and the talk went for nearly 45 min followed by lunch break. After the lunch break Hand son App Development is started where we the Volunteering team helped the participants in giving out the suggestions to develop the app.

Many of  participants showed their energy great levels through out the entire night in developing the apps and using web activities and some developed apps using the Apache cordova for the Firefox OS. Finally the event ended up with the presentation of the apps developed by the participant teams followed by the prize distribution to the top 3 teams.